Not all who wander. . .

Cordova Street, St. Augustine . watercolor on paper . private collection

"Not all who wander are lost."  I read this somewhere and it stuck like glue!  Does that happen to you?  Quotes or "words" that don't let go, never leave your mind?  I apologize for not being able to credit this. . .I'm not even sure if those six words are the complete quote!  Oh, by the way, happy  new year. . .it's 2011 to be exact and my wandering has not been measured in miles but in thought.  Well, a few miles were put on the car to visit family over the holiday, but the bulk of my wandering has been of the interior sort. . .in my mind.  I'm choosing to look at this as a very good thing.  Important word choosing, is it not?  "Choice" implies that I'm in control of my thinking. . .the thoughts that flit and flirt across my mind. 

I've been held suspended over my life for a few days now. . .beginning with waking up New Year's Day softly cocooned in FOG. . .heavy, moisture-laden fog that quietly decided it liked the neighborhood and stayed all day!  It felt surreal.  Then making the conscious decision to take yesterday afternoon off and go deep into the book I had pulled off my shelf right before Christmas to re-read.  My elation bloomed as I got deeper into reading and realized that nothing sounded totally familiar. . .I could continue my deep absorption in the 530 pages. . .safely knowing there was satisfaction to be had from a book I had chosen to keep on my shelf years ago.  Such a simple pleasure.  Hmm. . .there's that "choice" word again! 

You might say I'm going with the flow these days. . .kind of opposite of what you hear at the turn of a new year!  I suppose I've always been a rebel of sorts, but it just feels wrong to make resolutions and have all those expectations hanging over, floating about, reminding me. . .reminding me of what exactly?  Oh, don't get me wrong. . .I like strategic planning just as much as the next guy/gal. . .and I joyfully admit to being a "list" girl. . .but my jaunty January is going to be one of secret anticipation, eagerness, service, satisfaction in what "is" and gratitude.  Yes, a buzz word or two in there, but nothing too lofty/too hard to shelter disappointment.  

So. . .onward with your own personal wandering. . .I hope to meet you somewhere out there in this 2011 year! 


  1. One of my favorite quotes as well Mom! xoxo


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