A Portrait Progression. . .

Jennifer on 4.29.2012

I posted the beginning of this portrait in my last post along with some progression photos.  A couple of days ago I did a first pass on modeling in a background "column" and I've decided I like it, so it will stay. . .I'll work more on the background tomorrow to try and get it exactly how I "see" it in my head. 

Today I worked on the hair to highlight and soften - added the tiny baby wisps that so many of us have.  It's a trait in my own particular family! 

Then without thinking too much, I moved into the face to define the features a little better - I worked on the brows and eyes, the mouth.  The ear had some highlighting done too.  As you may begin to realize, there is a continual "honing" to arrive at what I feel is a likeness and lovely expression.   

Some may take exception to my style of painting.  I choose to paint very realistically and at times throw in some abstract-like elements in my backgrounds, or palette knife texture here and there.  That's sort of an instinctual thing and usually spontaneous.  More importantly, I don't put the brushes down until some internal dialogue with myself is silent. The peace that comes with that stage is such a relief!

Of course there are some who believe as Umberto Boccioni (1882-1916) did:  "In order for a portrait to be a work of art, it must not resemble the sitter."    

I've never been one for "must" or "must not."  I tend to break the rules - not out of sense of being obstinate - more out of seeing possibilities!

I'll be posting more of this portrait progression in a couple of days. 



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