End of summer. . .

End of Summer  .  w/c on paper . by Sandy Donn

Geese have been flying overhead these last few days - honking as they glide in beautiful formation through the newly crisp air.  Today a fine mist took over and the wind decidedly howled from time to time - these things are marking the march of time, the turning of the seasons - the rhythm we can count on.  The last three weeks have played havoc with my own personal rhythm, as in mid-portrait-commissions, I found out there was to be a purchase of the leased condo I live in!  Out of the blue life turned on a dime.  Being one completely and overly in love with hearth and home, not to mention art studio, well let's just say a "deer in headlights" comes to mind. 
I'm now in the process of moving, unbelievably and thankfully, next door and look to be settled after the first week in October.  Back to work.  I want to note that I've been the recipient of so many generous, caring, loving neighbors through this sudden shake-up.  Living among people with such hearts and high ideals can only make one soar - I'm truly blessed to be enfolded by wings of angels - they are making it possible for me to literally continue life as I knew it and to seek future opportunities. . .I find I've awakened to the feeling of actually belonging somewhere. 
My Facebook friends have written beautiful sentiments and have showered me with uplifting messages - many have called.  It's hard to feel worthy of such attention, especially when one is always happy to fly under the radar, quietly creating - but I'm hoping to handle this with a smidgen of grace and embrace the very goodness of it all.  But most of all, to remember to pay it forward when someone else is in need and maybe feels a little lost and alone. 
I found the courage to suffer openly recently - something I almost never do after decades of putting on a brave face.  What I found was a whole pile of love right in front of me. 
 Thank you to all. . .you know who you are. 


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