My good intentions. . .and a dog's life. . .

I have been mute of late. . .lots of reasons for that, some of which I'm sure you'd not be interested in at all. . .others that (more than likely) speak to the normal ebb and flow of life.

I've been deep into re-reading The Power of Now for one; how shocked I am to realize I first read it in 2003.  How is that possible?  Seven years ago?  Anyway, not to bemoan the passing of YEARS, there are lots of tidbits in this book that help me keep the "voice" in my mind from running my life. . .I'm sure you are all familiar with the "voice" that talks to us constantly and keeps us company, whether we like it or not!  Seldom is it charmingly silent, right?  So, I've been finding the silent spaces and relishing them. . .it takes an incredible amount of work to "observe" your own thoughts and deal with the "voice" that (surprisingly) is not always on my team!  

I've been in the studio painting the last of the four little faces, and one big girl face.  

In a Crowded Place . o/c . 30 x 24

Lots of mystery in this woman's glance. . .I'll leave it up to you to interpret, but you realize that will only serve to crank up the "voice" in your mind!  As an observer with a penchant for details and just a teeny bit of drama, you can see why it's good for me to practice being in the now.

As a departure and therapy of sorts, I usually turn to something different to capture my artist heart after studying face and form for so long. . .this time I turned to Toby, my next door neighbor.

Toby is a complete love. . .this work is still in progress and needs more painting in every area to be complete.  But can't you already feel his velvety softness?  He is truly a big-lovable-baby, and I took this shot last winter while he slept warmly, thus contentedly, in my studio. . .don't tell his parents I let him up on the chair!  I love the mere "suggestion" of Toby here and am happy to be painting him. 

 I don't think I shall breathe easy until ALL of the miners are safely out of the earth. 
Sending my thoughts to them tonight. . .


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