Express Yourself. . .

I've been out of the studio for a couple of days. . .at a higher elevation, literally and maybe figuratively!  West, just beyond one of the many ramps enticing you to enjoy the Blue Ridge Parkway.  In the company and home of trusted friends who share a history of lives fully lived.  When you move and relocate, in this day and age, that's something you often miss; people around you who know more about you than the clothes you're currently wearing!  Old friends have often experienced the many "sides" we all have and it makes for an ease in telling our secrets, our innermost thoughts and sharing space.  Here's what I woke up thinking about today. . .

We all express ourselves in such telling ways, every day in countless, individual ways, do we not?  It's at the core of our very existence. My friends are beginning a remodel of their home. . .they are certainly no strangers to this process.  But observing the careful deliberation and thought surrounding their newest journey, the attention to detail, I was struck by the similarity between creating a painting and creating an environment.  Yes, yes, we all intellectually know that creating isn't limited to "just" the artist, be it painter, author, composer, etc., and the process takes many many forms.  But I'm suddenly observing it in a more dazzling emotional light.

When freedom of creating is taken away, squashed or made nearly impossible. . .well, perhaps that is the real aspect at the core of the current unrest in the world.  It's about creating, specifically not being able to create.

Having the ability to see your dreams come true by hard work and cleverness is the key to the building blocks of our short journey here. "We are free," means more than surface freedom.  How many times have we heard that expression in the last few weeks?  I honestly don't think I examined it closely, and I let it skate right by without giving pause. 

We become numb to the words. . .I do know it always leaves a lump in my throat, and embarrassingly admit I am just now having new thoughts about it:  the deeper freedom to create, dream, build, envision, produce and ultimately express ourselves is a profound ancient vein running through our DNA.  Imagine, if you will, living without creating, dreaming and then making your dream come true.  Living without the privilege of accomplishment. 

Perhaps our 2011 lives don't foster the deep reflection that can arise when we step back to be quiet and observe.  Or maybe this is my particular shortcoming. . .not quickly grasping the larger concept.  I do feel we can all benefit from longer, deeper conversation to get to the nut of the matter.  Or maybe it just takes driving home in the quiet of rain and cloud shrouded mountains, looking at the remnants of others' creations and feeling a deep kinship with that.

Thank you dear friend for letting me share in your vision and feel that multi-faceted spark of creating. . .and for the opportunity that ultimately gave rise to soulful thinking.
Express yourself!


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