Expanding horizons. . .

Dylan at Five . 12" x 16" . oil on linen canvas

I finished this painting the other day and sent a note off to his grandmother that it will be drying in the studio, awaiting a thin coat of varnish.  Dylan started kindergarten this year. . .his world is expanding rapidly, as it should, and he's joyfully been given much love and all the important tools to begin the enormously exciting journey of his school years.

  Five is a magical age. . .still young enough to enjoy cuddles, but old enough to share in the awareness of others around them.  The quest for answers and understanding of their world is never ending. . .their curiosity tweaked by all they see!  Capturing children at this age is pure pleasure, and with great anticipation I look forward to watching Dylan grow.  I see something very wonderful here. . .

 Dylan at Five . detail 


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