Still Life

Nothing Lasts Forever . 8 x 10 . oil on linen panel
I'm in the middle of my own "still" life right now - yes, the winter season is upon us and that's when I sense a different rhythm to my painting and living.  As this more serene time of year approaches (sans the rush of Christmas and all the trimmings!) I too withdraw to work, think and muddle around in the waters of life's big questions.  I definitely don't withdraw to the extent of a hibernating bear, but I think it's interesting that it suddenly seems to be more convenient to be serene and at home with whatever fills you up.  It's the cycle, the season, isn't it? The comfort food of living. . .

The still life featured above was just recently completed, inspired by my daughter's arrangement on her kitchen bar.  Working on smaller supports and reaching outside my painter norm inspires me.  For added inspiration, I took a drive the other day just to ride - I took both my cameras but failed to take one single photo - not that the changing landscape wasn't beautiful - but sometimes I just simply need to "be" and not act upon anything.  That was my impulse and I just went with it. . .

I rode over a small ridge to a lovely shorn clean valley with a small river/stream running through it - a few cattle, a tall, narrow two-story white house with spotless outbuildings.  Like crazy I wanted to know their story - how I wished I could knock on the door, be invited in and over tea hear their generations unfold.  If there's a job description in all that, I'll be the first in line - I've often wondered what census takers, especially long ago, heard and saw!    
Meanwhile, in this still life season, I'll be content to dream, work hard, grow in my chosen medium, paint -  

Marsh #2  .  8 x 10  .  oil on linen panel
and paint. . .

Shell Speaker . 8 x 10  .  oil on linen panel
 Wishing you a still life this season. . .



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