A home is made with love and dreams." ~ Author unknown
Christmas Evening at Home . 14 x 18" . Oil on Belgian Linen
Right before this past Christmas my neighbors came to me with the Sunday Winston-Salem Journal in hand, saying they now had a vision for a commissioned painting! What?? Turns out the article in our newspaper was about Integon Insurance Co.'s 32-year-history of commissioning artists to paint a church for its annual company Christmas card, with the original paintings gifted in the following January to the church that was depicted. A lovely idea. . .
Many churches were portrayed "in the snow" going along with the tradition of the winter season, and that was a "light bulb" moment for my neighbors, Michael and Pamela. They had recently moved here from many successful, soulful, might I add, snow-filled years spent in Michigan and near Chicago; Pamela is back to her roots now as this is where she grew up - she is known to happily say, "Michael always said he'd bring me back!" Michael is a man of his word, and it's our good fortune they have settled in right up the street. Their beautiful daughter has been attending the University of Georgia, graduating in mere weeks, and their move brought them closer to their beloved family.
We watched as the dynamic of the neighborhood changed - this family lives and works in the currency of giving and sharing. A random, accidental and lucky (for us!) providence led them to our little street where they continually greet everyone with big smiles, encouragement, helpfulness and just plain love. I think of their little family, the three of them, as Faith, Hope and Love.
Naturally I was thrilled to be able to create a lasting treasure for them. Lucky for me, in the middle of painting this home, we had two snows right in a row - the last being rather over the top!
Need I say more? - My little place, late February!
I slogged up the way to get some early morning photos of this wonderland snow, hence I finally had reference material from the two snows! Having lived in Florida for over 30 years - well, suffice it to say, I still need reference for snow. . .
As we now move through spring we're reminded of the rejuvenation of a different kind of beauty - one of bright flowers, busy bees, sprouting green shoots and once again the intoxicating smell of freshly mown grass! I submit that by fall we will once again be longing for the silent beauty of the occasional snow that brings us "inside" in so many ways other than the most literal translation. The family up the hill is a true beacon of light shining out to all who cross their path. I hope this painting expresses some of that.
"Life takes us to unexpected places -
love brings us home."
~ Unknown author |

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