From Underpainting to Almost Finished. . .

Here you'll see things starting to take shape. . .I've applied a "first coat". . . so to speak. . . on just about everything, in an attempt to find a feel for mood and tone. It's amazing the change from the underpainting to the figure emerging with the weight of skin and a little natural color. It's a satisfying stage and a good time to do a lot of looking. . .intense, and I mean intense "seeing." Sizing up, getting comfortable with, looking to see if you want to make any major changes! I'm pushing forward with my original idea.
This next stage demonstrates the softening that starts to take place. . .I've applied yet another layer of paint to everything and have taken time to place various hues in the background. . .to depict the time of day. Some pinky lavenders fading to twilight blue at the top. Typically what I'll do at this stage is now bring the entire figure to completion, then I'll go back and finalize the background. My thought at the present time is that I want to deepen the background colors in the final days of painting. There's always the possibility of adding a setting sun in the sky; if that happens it will be more important to the bride than the portrait and I'm seriously considering it as it was an integral part of their day.
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