Calm Waters. . .

Late Summer Evening - Ashley River . 8 x 10 . oil on panel

AFTER the Trauma and necessary Healing of last week, I'm getting back on track, although I'm beginning to wonder if my chinny-chin-chin will always HURT!  I'm choosing to overlook that little aspect at the moment and make the effort to consciously concentrate on painting. . .hence the above, the latest in my series of  "tiny jewel" paintings.  I let the imagination roam and created a storm rolling in over the river. . . I will go ahead and confess to preferring this kind of interesting, stormy sky where you can let the brush dance over the panel with different colors.  It's fun to see what will develop.    

I have painted the Ashley River several times now and keep returning to it. . .mainly I think because I gazed out upon that RIVER the evening my granddaughter was born feeling both elated and oh so grateful.  So, it is heartfelt for me and they always say to paint the things you love.  The CHARLESTON area (location of this particular Ashley River bend) was a scorching 100 today and they desperately need rain!  So, I provided moisture for them via art.  Maybe it will prove to be an effective rain dance!  Let's hope.

Spuds left the house this weekend!

Spuds . 12 x 12 . oil on panel

IN an earlier posting I showed this painting in Progress. . .how it was under painted in Transparent Red Oxide.  You can see that GLOW in his white coat.  He's been finished for a while and just waiting to be dry enough to go home to his owners.  Spuds is calculated to be around 15 years old. . .a stray who wandered into my neighbor's life when he was just beyond his puppyhood, with a strong need and hankering to find a  safe haven and loving hearts. . .oh, and we must never forget a good meal!  He chose his family well, proving his intelligence, and with his steady stare can melt your heart.  He loves to be brushed and scratched under the chin (don't we all?) and is on high alert whenever something is amiss on his property. 
 Spuds knows.  He is an old soul.   

Calm waters soothe. . .so do the EYES of "old soul" dogs.  I cannot imagine a world without either influence and the place their inherent, simple beauty takes our river-like wandering imagination.  Our cup runneth over when we encounter that which causes something dwelling deep down inside of us to resonate with wonder and peace.

Sure hope you can find something this week to soothe your heart. . .



  1. Wonderful work, Sandy. And your typography on your blog is excellent. I'm so glad we're connected.
    - Brenda


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