Too small to be a puppy. . .

Too Small to be a Puppy, oil on linen, 6 x 8

These days happen. . .interrupted days that you willingly and lovingly give to those who matter and need you most.  If you are a woman, I can guarantee this happens quite frequently, and is more than likely treated with sharp, tender recognition, certainly not begrudged but instead accepted as part of our womanhood, our personhood.  Not only do we (women) multi-task, but I think you will find we often perform (read nurture) from a well disguised platform of efficiency and productivity that never (or at least barely) reveals our inner lives.  Don't get me wrong, I'm sure this also applies to the lives of men, but I can only relate as a woman and am thus giving the female side of the story!   

What does this have to do with painting? 

I'm getting to it. . .I think it's commonly recognized that solitude and stillness are required when creating, but life isn't like that most of the time, right?  Yeah, you can take great strides towards that goal and clear the decks to do your work.  But sometimes you get a glimpse early in the day that things might not go as planned. . .hence, Plan B is in order.  With gratitude you shift gears and aim for something not so lofty as the portrait you are working on. . .the one you are stewing over and dreaming of. . .the one you are wanting most to express a feeling, to convey that certain something.  The one you pass by, study, listen to.  Yes, the painting speaks to you.  You wait and you listen.  

When intuition and cold hard facts come knocking to say Plan B, Plan B. . .it's good to decide to paint something small.  Something that will speak all on its own, without a whole lot of thinking on my part, allowing for those needed interruptions.  This is how a small painting of a puppy comes into being.  I'm still in my painting zone, working on brush strokes, achieving a likeness, honoring the work, but it's not so darn demanding that I can't stop what I'm doing and answer the phone.  Bliss.    

"Sow good services; sweet remembrances will grow from them."  
> Mme. de Stael   

My daughter was "on call" today in the service of a neighbor and friend.  She's over three hundred miles away, but I'm just a text or call away (thank you Technology). . .there to help with empathy, decision making, etc.  The sisterhood knows how to do this well and without complaint.  I hope it's one of the things most revered about our gender after our brains, work ethic and immense strength. . .the hidden kind.  

Do you think about Hillary Clinton a lot these days?  I do.  Hearing nearly daily that she's somewhere out there flying all over the world, doing her job.  My gosh, it boggles my mind and she must really be tired.  Think of the days she's also held Chelsea's hand!
Thank you Hillary and thank you fellow sisters.  You know why.

Here's a little something I'll close with from Emily Dickinson. . .

If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain:
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.



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