Summer Love . 10" x 8" . oil on linen canvas
Make lemonade! What's that got to do with tomatoes? I recently ran out of supports - in artist lingo, canvas, panels, the things we paint ON. I think it's the first time in my artist life I've been out my "go to" supports that keep the energy flowing. So, long story short, it's made me try a few new things like the canvas "Summer Love" is painted on - another gift from artist Brenda Behr. It's Centurion's Deluxe Oil Primed Linen canvas, and I discovered it's a delight to paint on - it's now on my radar and I think, no I'm pretty sure, I'm going to become a faithful partner.
These two little tomatoes were what remained from having a couple of friends over to the house for lunch. I loved the way they "kissed" so I set them up next to my easel and painted from life. A couple of days later they were sliced and went into another made-up creative endeavor, only it was in the kitchen. . .a pasta sauce made of shredded zucchini, red pepper flakes, julienned sun-dried tomatoes, fresh tomatoes, white wine, anchovy paste - all simmered slowly in EVO. I call that bonus bliss. Summer's fresh bounty aids in the studio AND kitchen!
And then, in the continuing saga. . .
Fishin' . 4" x 6" . oil on linen panel |
The little panel featured in Fishin' has been in the studio for a couple of years - part of a sample pack from New Traditions Art Panels, Inc. I most often use NTAP's Claessen linen supports for serious portrait commission work - I can always count on them and they give a beautiful finish to my style of painting. So, this is their A600 linen, a surface I hadn't painted on - in the spirit of making lemonade, I gave it a whirl and I think I'm in love again. These tiny jewels will be added to the Etsy shop today - www.Etsy.com/shop/SandyDonn.
Note to self: Getting outside your comfort zone (whether by choice or pushed) can lead to wonderful discoveries. To be truthful, I need to do more of that - you know, shake things up. It's going to be a shake-up kind of summer and I'm ready for it - details later on. Meanwhile, shall we all stay open to new possibilities? I vote YES!
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