. . .Discoveries made this weekend. . .

We're never too old for discoveries. . .I've had a couple of days of "regeneration" that were sorely needed, especially after a late Friday night of discovering that lemongrass chicken can be quite spicy. . .thus promoting the need for even MORE libation!  In good company, I might add.  Oh how I love Friday nights. . .they feel like freedom, don't they?  Even though I work most weekends, there's still something quite soothing and ritualistic about Friday night, isn't there?  Back to discovery. . .

I discovered that children I knew as pre-teens into teenage-hood and beyond have grown into eloquent, absolutely amazing adults who do not hesitate to express their feelings with such genuine loveliness.  Your message, Kris, is a forever keeper and thank you. 

I discovered that my granddaughter is growing in leaps and bounds; I barely recognized her latest photo although I only saw her a little over a month ago!  It pulls my heartstrings with no mercy and shouts, no. . .screams out that time is passing way too quickly. 

I discovered that those we call friends, who we may now be separated from by distance and just a few short years, can be going through crisis without our knowledge.  A lump forms in the throat when we realize we were not there in their time of need.  We all do the best we can, and moving forward, as we must do, we keep them close in our hearts and minds. . .and these days, email, naturally. . .or unnaturally.

I discovered how resilient we can be with our partners and change. . .of course I'm viewing this from the outside in, having no partner.  But watching others I care about do the marriage dance with such finesse,  I marvel at their capacity to bend so easily without breaking, to make sacrifice without blinking once. . .never twice.

I discovered that painting children's faces becomes a love affair. . .studying them so closely; seeing all their openness with their brightly shining eyes.  It's incredibly uplifting and full of hope. . .I cannot help but feel their innocence and I love the process of bringing them out on canvas.  I might add that I secretly hope their trusting aura will rub off on me as we spend the next few weeks together.  

I discovered that taking pictures with my new iPhone is addictive.  Sigh.  Another distraction I  must guard against if I'm to get anything done! 

 I discovered how cleansing it is to trim the shrubbery, rake the debris, make order out of chaos. . .such a sense of sweaty job well done, completeness, the house made semi-respectable again.  Amen.

Lastly, I discovered how blessed I am and how I love my place in the world,  my little corner brimming with all good things.  I choose to think it's going to be a great week ahead,  and I can't wait to find out what may be discovered next. . .


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