The entire being of a woman. . .

"The entire being of a woman is a secret which should be kept."  - Isak Dinesen

Painting detail, 8.5.2010

What is it about the glorious mystery of a woman?  Some we have known (in our meager lifetime) have the countenance that begs the question, and have often been considered exotically out of space and time.  Their essence is something mysterious and quite beyond human knowledge. . .I've been thinking I'm painting such a woman. 

 All evolved men must have a longing sense that they can never really know the woman who envelops them, who occupies their thoughts, their breathing moments, their dreams, their happiness, their unhappiness.  Such complex creatures. . .ephemeral, and yet so completely, shockingly solid that they must be, have to be, of ancient dust! 

These thoughts slowly slide through my mind as I paint this face, seeing it appear out of the canvas, beginning to say all that it needs to. . .no more, no less. 

 While taking those who surround us on a well-remembered journey, I am reminded (through this painting) that we women are the spinners of a silken web. . .a web that is loving, kind, generous and ancient.  Our entire being.  A mysterious legacy received and quietly passed on.  The fullness of it is overwhelming.       


  1. Sandy, great stuff. These latest pieces are very nice.

  2. That's just beautiful, Sandy! We cannot live without these women and little women-to-be in our lives. "Mystery" makes the world go round!


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