Symbiosis. . .

Earlier today I had thoughts about the symbiotic relationship between artists. . .I thankfully took note that we are a "tight" community, continually supporting one another through the ups and downs of art and life. . .and certainly made even more evident through facebook, I might add. 

I believe it was the fabulous artist, Timothy Tyler, who said "paint for other artists!"  I had never heard that before and was struck dumb by it.  This was a new concept for me, but, in hindsight I believe Tim was on to something. . .and now I  suddenly find, when painting, my thoughts drift to his upside-down, makes-sense profound statement! 

Artist Audrey Phillips in my Florida studio/gallery with my painting Oceanus
Yes, I'm in my "Maine" lobster painting apron!

The "artist sisterhood/brotherhood" shines a bright light on the work, making sure that efforts are not for naught.  They support, advertise, encourage and provide a constant push to do good work.  All of these thoughts happened early this morning, running through my mind as I was preparing for a day with my latest painting and the apprehension of working through the fear and getting down to the business of painting the first "serious layer" after days of drawing, toning and blocking in.   

 How to describe the ritual of carefully cleaning the palette and squeezing out new paint?  For me, it's an incredibly Quiet,  Meditative act done with loving kindness, as we all pay homage to our paint knowing that with careful mixing we can bring almost anything to life.  Its buttery lusciousness simply reminds me that I'm to paint to the best of my ability.

The mutualism and interdependence of artists contributes to and gives meaning to our artist life.  It's definitely necessary to "talk the talk, walk the walk" with those who speak the language and they can often be a huge, comforting shoulder to lean upon when needed.

Sadly, as the day transgressed, the importance of not taking a day or a person for granted was brought to its fulcrum when learning of the circumstances surrounding the sudden death of a dynamic woman prominent in the last Florida town I lived in. . . 

            Symbiosis suddenly took on a whole new meanng. . .we are all in this together. . .this life, this journey, this planet, no matter what we do or who we are.  Somehow I find great comfort in this, and oh secretly, if I could make wishes come true. . .
I'm dreamin' now. . .my wish would be that people everywhere would stop the nonsense and live as though there is no tomorrow. . .  

Dream big. . .


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