Homegrown Tomatoes. . .

The perfect ending to a long studio day. . .the rain came and went at it's own leisurely pace announcing itself with an occasional rumble of thunder as  I painted on "The Little Marauder" Master Copy. The skin tones are beginning to glow on the canvas and I can see that it may well be finished by late tomorrow. 

As you can see by the gorgeous salad posted above, I was wined and dined by wonderful people tonight.  A Southern gal can mightily appreciate a homegrown tomato and these juicy, tasty morsels, right out of their summer garden, were even more delicious than they look in this picture! 

It was a laugh-filled evening in a lovely home filled with well loved art. . .their gracious tour demonstrated their keen devotion to craftsmanship and beauty.  I think every artist bows at the feet of the serious collector, for the art world spins on the backs of those who see something of beauty and are changed by it. 

Collectors who marvel, buy, protect, display, enjoy and share their art truly "get" it. . .the world is easier and more delightful  to live in when it's shared with art. . .not to mention homegrown tomatoes and friends. 



  1. Again I'll say... you missed your calling as a writer. Your luscious words are always a joy to read and something I can relate to in each post. They add joy to my existence.

  2. Thanks so much. . .you've made my day!


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